Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Children

Cathy was 7 years old in 1957. I have no real idea how Cathy felt or how much pain she endured, but I do know she suffered an incredible amount of pain, both physically and emotionally.

I don't have a last name for Cathy, but her lab number was 510. She was a pretty little girl with blue eyes and blond hair, poor little Cathy. She had been a child prisoner for most of her young life and subjected to a wide variety of experimentation and testing, not to mention horrific abuse and torture.

Cathy was transported off the base in a car driven by the chief medical officer in the company of one of his assistants. Cathy rode in the back seat inside a canvas sack. It was not until they were well out into the country that they pulled over to the side of road and removed Cathy from the sack.

She was propped up in a sitting position on the back seat next to another little girl named Sara who had been brought along to experience Cathy's demise.

Cathy wore a blue cotton dress with a long stemmed red rose pinned to it, which was the practice of the chief medical officer. He pinned a red rose to all the children he intended to kill.

She was not wearing any socks or shoes and some of her hair was missing. The back of Cathy's head had been shaved exposing her bare scalp. She just sat there staring straight ahead, she had ugly red marks all over her, blisters and sores, and she smelled extremely foul.

Sara was quite frightened by Cathy as her appearance was horrifying. Cathy had been subjected to a chemical warfare agent, suffered brain surgery and was now blind.

For some time Cathy just sat there staring straight ahead, but then she suddenly started talking, "Death is coming, pain is going, I want death, death is good, pain is going, I love death, no more pain, death is coming, death is coming."

Sara did her best to avoid the horror by looking out the car window and watching the fence posts as they flashed by.

Finally the car stopped beside a little lake, which was situated on the same property as their body disposal facility, located on a rural farm.

The chief medical officer dragged Sara out of the car and opened the trunk while his assistant pulled Cathy from the car and dumped her in the mud. The two men removed Cathy's dress and placed shackles on her wrists and ankles. Cathy's whole body was covered in blisters and sores and there was a big black sore on her stomach.

Cathy made no response to the rough treatment she received.

The chief medical officer addressed Sara, "Cathy is a dirty little girl just like you, she wants to die 'cause she's been so bad. You should be like her, you should want to die too, but only when I say."

Then it was Cathy's turn, "Cathy, speak to me," and he kicked Cathy.
"Cathy speak to me," and he grabbed her by the hair and propped her up in a sitting position."

Cathy responded, "Death is coming, pain is going."

The chief medical officer spoke, "I'm getting very impatient with this sickly creature, all she's good for is my drowning and tissue research. This water is quite alkaline you know, I had it tested."

He then took Sara by the hand and led her out onto a small dock at the edge of the lake, while his assistant dragged Cathy along behind.

The two men tied a rope to the chain fastened to the shackles on Cathy's wrists and ankles and dumped her into the lake. She sank to the bottom and drowned. They left her there at the bottom of the lake for three weeks.

At the end of the three weeks they returned to recover Cathy's body, which again was a Sunday. They removed the shackles from her wrists and ankles and placed her in a body bag. Cathy's body was driven back to the base in the trunk of a military police car and delivered to the lab where an autopsy was performed and tissue samples were taken.

Cathy was one of many little girls who received a red rose, there was also Diana, Sylvia, Hazel, Sheila and Deborah. All of these girls received a red rose before they were murdered. And all of them were delivered to the farm by the lake for disposal.

This is a single snapshot of what transpired at Lincoln Park, a glimpse into the horrific reality so many were forced to experience.

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